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NEW Minimalist Living Room for Modern House Design HERE
There are many example of minimalist living room for any modern house. People who have modern usually want to make their interior design become new and stylish. They can get started from redesign their living. To create modern living room, they can make their living room wider. Wide living room is good for any house so the visitors can enjoy while they enter the house. For example, they can remove large furniture such as sofa and replace it with table set. Table set maybe small, but they can get wider room if they place this furniture. First example of minimalist living room is for modern and large house. They can change their interior design becomes natural white theme. This design is good for any modern and large house. With this design, they also can get luxury interior design. For the furniture, they can just place some small furniture such as hanging clock, tiny vase, or hanging picture.
Minimalist Living Room in Large House
If they want to have simple design, they can give their wall with white color. This is enough to create modern living room. But, if they give their wall with white color, they must take care with their wall because white color is easy to get dirty.
Second example is creating neat living room. Neat living room means the position of furniture and paint is match. For example, if they use brown as the main color of their furniture, they should give their wall paint with white or brown. White color is suitable to be combined with any other color. The position of their furniture is important. If they want to have neat living room, they can place their furniture in short distance with other furniture. Neat living room is one example of minimalist living room, but this design will make the whole room looks narrow.
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Tag : minimalist living room, Modern House Design,
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