Stairs Minimalist House Design Model The Enchanting READ NOW | New Home Design

Stairs Minimalist House Design Model The Enchanting READ NOW

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Stairs Minimalist House Design Model The Enchanting READ NOW

On the structure of a house, where we often encounter stairs to the house 2 floors or more. Of course this step function to facilitate access from one floor to another floor. General design of the style ladder distinguished by the house itself. For example, minimalist staircase design is usually applied to the minimalist type. So in general, for each house design household are applied also vary.

Stairs Minimalist House Design Model

Sometimes when we walk on the ladder in a particular house, we quickly feel tired. But on other occasions when walking at different steps, we are mediocre and do not feel tired. The question is, why did it happen when both household size is not much different? The cause of the problem is most likely the fault of the shape and design of the ladder that does not meet the standard of comfort in a room. Maybe it can happen because when creating ladder construction, not made a concept or picture first so that the effect on the end result.

Creating an image or sketch of stairs before starting the actual construction stage should be done, considering the image as a reference to facilitate execution ladder as expected.

Terms Creating Stairs

Making staircase design, including design minimalist staircase models can indeed be left to the architect. But if we want to work on themselves while lowering the total cost, then we must first understand the good condition of the ladder with the right structure. The following condition:

  • The width of the ladder at least adjust the maximum width of the body of an adult, if the average Indonesian people have a width of 55-60 cm, the width of the stairs can be made 80-85 cm, the rest of the empty space.
  • For the width of the stairs is ideally made of 30 cm, the size is adjusted to the average adult step is 60 cm.
  • Making stairs should be designed not too high, a maximum of 20 cm only. This is to avoid fatigue when going up and down stairs.
  • Specifically on the flat side / corner stair step nosing should be given a line of ceramic motifs or of a material with a rough texture so that people do not easily slip.
  • If the distance from one floor to another floor is high enough, you should be given a special rung made wider. The wide staircase is once again able to rest if you feel tired. Part of this special rung in terms of architecture often called the landing.
  • The shape and design of the ladder can be modified according to taste, but homeowners should still consider the element of convenience and do not leave the staircase minimalist design concept is applied.
  • Color ladder should adjust the value of the architecture are shown, but should not be too much contrast with the color of the room. For the minimalist staircase bright colors are highly recommended.
  • Apart from having to always clean and well maintained, minimalist staircase design models should have a structure that is strong, sturdy, not easily cracked so that cross still feel safe and comfortable.

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