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Article Architecture and Design,
English Manor Style Home Plans, Architecture and Interior Design READ NOW
In terms of architecture style, English began to develop a neo-classical architecture is not based on ideology or design, with the development of neo-classical architecture, the English instead combines with vernacular architecture to meet the desires of ideal design that implements their local values.
English architecture in its development has its own idealism. During its development into the world of art, the environment around the architecture work began to be made more interesting making it ideal for painting (the building as an element of the object painting). Painting and architecture is known as the English landscape garden, English manor style and so on.
Neo-classical style architecture that flourished in England when the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, when the Renaissance. Influence of the Italian renaissance to English and enrich the development of architectural styles such as classical architecture geometry finally elaborated with vernacular architecture.
With the following characteristics
– Building form square and symmetry
– Color of building usually use soil color (yellow and red)
– Building and the environment (parks) integrated with each other to create an English landscape garden
– Gothic architecture (windows and decorations)
– Using red brick and natural stone for building material
– Building using wood shingle roof and sloping
– There are windows and rooms on the roof, get the ideas below
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