Small Bathroom Design Under Stairs, Under Stairs Bathroom Planning READ NOW | New Home Design

Small Bathroom Design Under Stairs, Under Stairs Bathroom Planning READ NOW

Small Bathroom Design Under Stairs, Under Stairs Bathroom Planning READ NOW - Hello friends welcome to blog New Home Design, in this article we will discuss Small Bathroom Design Under Stairs, Under Stairs Bathroom Planning READ NOW, as you are looking for, we have attempted to provide a quality article that hopefully be useful to you in search of inspiration about home, our neighbor to discuss the ins and outs of the house began to design the interior and also exterior that will definitely get satisfied of this blog.

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Small Bathroom Design Under Stairs, Under Stairs Bathroom Planning READ NOW

The bathroom is one of the most important things in a dwelling. The bathroom design should be planned from the beginning so will create the harmony with the interior of your home. if you want to utilize the small space under the stairs then make a small bathroom can be a solution so that you can have an extra tiny bathroom but still beautiful with limited space.

The bathroom could be placed under the landing. You should know that the landing was part of the steps with a wider size for a short break.

Measure the ceiling height in the area under the stairs. The rooms were comfortable at least people should be able to stand upright in it. Ideal altitude at least 2.2 m.

Because the steps are not the same due to high, there is a part of the ceiling is lower than other parts. Take advantage of the low as a storage area of bathroom equipment such as a tissue or soap.

If you want your bathroom under the landing floor level height should be lowered due to the roof of the bathroom will be too low. If the ceiling is too low then it will be cramped and dark.

To get good air circulation you can add an exhaust fan in the room. Lighting also important to consider for this bathroom under the stairs.

In the bathroom, the lighting plays an important role. Make sure artificial lighting in this area. You can make its way into natural light, such as glass that is connected to the outdoors. Good sunlight to repel moisture in space and the development of fungus and bacteria.

Due to the size of this bathroom is really small then you can only put one toilet, one shower in this bathroom. Add accessories such as a place to put soap, shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste. You can also add a handle for a place to put towels. Although you can not add a lot of accessories in this tiny bathroom you can choose the color of the wall tiles with bright colors such as orange to create a cheerful atmosphere.

Area under the stairs is generally small size, to note that air circulation. Try to have access to air in from outside to inside. So the bathroom does not become damp and overcrowded. To save space, create openings in the form of latticed vent to allow air in but keep small animals blocked.

The bathroom also needs a little freshness, not to be confused you can add greenery. You also should not to choose a slippery floor material.

If the area is large enough landing area you can use in addition to a place to store shoes. You can choose a hollow wooden door to enter the air intake.

The essence of space under the stairs is a solution to have a comfortable bathroom in a limited area. That does not mean limited land can not have more than one bathroom. Bathrooms can be used for guests while staying, check it out.

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