Classic French Rococo Antique Furniture READ NOW | New Home Design

Classic French Rococo Antique Furniture READ NOW

Classic French Rococo Antique Furniture READ NOW - Hello friends welcome to blog New Home Design, in this article we will discuss Classic French Rococo Antique Furniture READ NOW, as you are looking for, we have attempted to provide a quality article that hopefully be useful to you in search of inspiration about home, our neighbor to discuss the ins and outs of the house began to design the interior and also exterior that will definitely get satisfied of this blog.

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Classic French Rococo Antique Furniture READ NOW

The Rococo style is an 18th century style characterised by lightness, delicacy, and elaborate ornamentation. The term Rococo comes from the Classic French word rocailie, meaning rock or stone, and coquilles, meaning shell, as these were the motifs upon which ornamentation was based. Characteristics of the style are based on arabesques, elaborate curves, asymmetry and iridescent pastel colours.

Rococo spread quickly to other European countries, in particular Germany and Austria, where it was united with the then-popular baroque modes to create a style of incredible lavishness and profusion. Rococo gave way to the austere neoclassical style late in the i8th century and disappeared completely and abruptly after the French Revolution in 1789. The style of furnishings you choose for your home will often, but not always, be influenced by its architecture.

Contemporary furnishings can sit well in more classical-style homes, however, the reverse is rarely true. The size and scale of your home and your rooms will determine what furniture works best never clutter and always endeavour to make your rooms appear more spacious than they are. Clever use of colour, pattern, scale and space planning can make an otherwise small room into one that appears much bigger.

Larger rooms require a sound understanding of the principles of good design to ensure they are adequately furnished and not left looking empty. A combination of periods and styles can make a home seem more lived in and eclectic; as though you’ve collected pieces over time. But that’s not to say you can’t achieve a stylish interior buying everything new, as long as care is given to choosing your pieces very carefully.

Interior designers are the experts in this area and you may well be better placed to work with one than to do it all yourself unless you really have the know how.” The most exciting part about furnishing your home is deciding what to buy. We’ve outlined several of the main styles which are popular today, incorporating examples including living, dining. bedrooms, outdoors, lighting and accessories, along with tips from the experts to help you unleash your creativity and find the look you love, let's take a look.

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