Wintry Wind READ HERE | New Home Design

Wintry Wind READ HERE

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Wintry Wind READ HERE

A couple of days ago, I started feeling a bit off. Tired. Run down. I never feel like that. 

For the past two nights I couldn't sleep, because of pain on the left side of my mouth. Which is where they told me to eat until the crown comes in, middle of February, for a tooth on the right side. 

It went from being uncomfortable to feeling like I was eating with just my gums, and they were very inflamed. It spread from the back of my mouth to the center front.

First thing this morning I call the dentist's office and told them something was very wrong. I go in and they take a bunch of x-rays and the dentist does an exam. She tells me I have a viral infection in my mouth. That it's normal to feel sick and run down with this.

The dentist said she herself had this in 2008. She said the virus usually comes back. But that it's not ever as painful as the first time. She's been very lucky and hers has not returned. 

She said I just have to let it run its course, usually two weeks. I will have to swish liquid Lidocaine in my mouth to eat until it's gone. 

I tell you all this because I'd never heard of such a thing. And if you ever have something like this, I want you to be aware that it could be this. 

They didn't have much of the liquid Lidocaine at CVS today, because apparently a lot of people have been having this lately. So I'll have enough to swish in my mouth in order to eat today, and then get more tomorrow. 

So I have to numb my mouth to eat anything. 

There is both throbbing and transient pain on the whole left side of my face or cheek down to my chin area. When it's not throbbing, it's just hurting. But at least now I know what it is.

I may be digging out those pain pills I had left over from my second ankle surgery November 2014.

Have you ever heard of this or had this before? Because this is the first I've heard of it. I don't know how it happens or how you get this in your system. But when I went to see her this morning, I felt like something the cat dragged in. 

She said I'd better go buy a bunch of Ensure, so that's what I did.

It's very windy in Oklahoma today. You can hear the wind banging against the windows and tossing tree branches from side to side. 

Growing up in this state, I remember walking along and the wind suddenly pushing you in another direction. When "the wind comes sweeping down the plains."

We had a warm weekend. And I spent it working out on the patio, cleaning it up. Taking trash bags of trash and leaves to the corner dumpster. Every evening I've been out sweeping dirt and trying to keep it reasonably clean.

I cut back all the dead plants because I got tired of looking at dead-looking droopy plants. Now they look trim and neat and ready for spring. 

My tulips, that are layered in the big containers, are starting to come up. The weather has confused them. I need to go out and put more dirt on them and hope they get the message so they don't come up and then freeze. 

Because in Oklahoma you might get snow in April. It was snowing in April two years ago when I was moving in here. Winter weather will be here at least through March. 

And I really want to enjoy my pretty white tulips just before the other plants come out of hibernation and make an appearance. 

Many herbs are already growing. But they're pretty resilient.

Israel came and cut back the tree limbs. 

He said he can stand out in the parking lot by his green shed/shop, and through my living room windows, see the giant rust-colored sun hanging on the fence on the patio. It's a straight shot from my living room windows to the patio doors.

I've had that sun a long time. It has weathered many winters. I love looking out the patio doors and seeing it too. 

I've got spring fever. How about you? Are you yearning to dig in the dirt?

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